Quilters Unlimited (QU) offers learning, sharing, and enrichment opportunities to anyone interested in quilting. We are proud to be part of the convergence of cultures from all over the world that together have shaped the vibrant heritage of American quilts. This group was formed in 1981 for the purpose of promoting knowledge of, and interest in quilting and the art of quilt making.
We invite you to attend the Quilters Unlimited general Guild meetings. To officially join the Guild, please see the Membership page for instructions.
The guild newsletter, Around the Block, is published monthly about a week prior to the general meeting. Copies are mailed to any member without access to the internet.
A wide variety of books, magazines, and videos in the QU library are available for loan to members.
Members can participate in the many guild-sponsored activities, and a wide variety of opportunities exist. You can help with the guild’s annual opportunity quilt, make quilts to hang in the two annual shows, make items for the museum show’s silent auction or a challenge quilt, and make quilts for various philanthropic causes. We sponsor workshops and trips. And members projects are always welcomed for the monthly “Show and Tell.”