For 2025, Peggy Clark is asking you to please become a
“QU Stripper.”
Each* the blocks of the month in 2025 will be a 8 and 1/2 inch square that is either sewn diagonally or straight across. *April will be an exception — see below.

General instructions:
- You do not need to make all of the strips the same width.
- Books with the papers used for foundation will be available at Guild meetings.
- You don’t have to take off the paper on the back or clean up the edges.
- Sew as many as you want! Just sew (“Strip”) and bring to the meeting!
Colors for Each Month
- January — Blue and White
- February — Red and White
- March — Green and White
- May through November — Red, White, and Blue
Click HERE to see the February 2025 newsletter article on the Big Bend Hospice Quilted Squares Project, which will be our April Block of the Month. The instructions are included in the article.