Benefits of Membership
Membership in QU supports many activities and offers some benefits that are *exclusive to members!
- Monthly meetings with informative and entertaining programs, informal social time, “show and tell” of members’ quilts, and the opportunity to sign up for Guild activities.
- Sit-n-Stitch groups
- Philanthropic service opportunities — Guild members make and donate hundreds of quilted items each year to local charities and groups
- Discounts at participating quilt shops with membership card
- Workshops and classes taught by well-known experts or guild members in a wide variety of quilting techniques or projects. *Members may register first before these are opened to the public.
- *Membership Card and Guild Directory, with contact info for current members
- *Opportunity to participate in the yearly Challenge
- *Opportunity to enter quilts in the annual Capital City Quilt Show
- *Opportunity to enter quilts in the triennial City Hall Show
- *Borrowing privileges from the Guild’s library of over 600 titles
How to Join
If you wish to join Quilters Unlimited, you may print the Application Form and bring it to the meeting or send it with your check payable to Quilters Unlimited to our post office box. If you have questions, please contact the Membership Chairperson.
Quilters Unlimited
PO Box 12181
Tallahassee, Florida 32317
As a new member, you will receive a New Member packet, a membership card, and a copy of the Quilters Unlimited Membership Directory. If you cannot attend the monthly meeting, we will mail these to you. The New Member packet contains information about all of the groups, committees and activities of Quilters Unlimited (QU).
Annual Dues
Annual dues are $30 a year ($32 if we mail you the directory) payable by the first of December each year; however, dues for the partial year from July 1 through December 31 are $15. Checks are payable to: Quilters Unlimited. Mail them to the Quilter’s Unlimited Membership Chairperson at the address given above or via the Dues Payment form, which processes your payment using Square. If you have questions about payments, please also direct them to the Treasurer. By paying your dues, you make it possible for the Guild to rent a location for our monthly meetings (in addition to the many activities sponsored by the Guild).
Note: The membership year runs from January to December.
For a Guild member to obtain reimbursement for expenses they have incurred on behalf of the Guild, they must fill out this linked form, and submit it to the Guild Treasurer.