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Invite from the Welcome Committee Chair, Ann Gaber
Anyone who has joined the guild in the last year or so or even longer ago is invited to my home for an informal gathering to ask questions and share
interests in order to better understand what the various elements of Quilters Unlimited are.
Ann says that she “found it difficult to make sense of all the names of members, sit and stitch groups, challenges, shows, and projects.” If you feel the same way, or even if you just want to get better acquainted, please come!
We will meet at my home on Thursday, February 20 from 5:30 until 7:00. I will serve beverages and light snacks. You may contribute a snack, if you wish, of course.
If you have a project in progress or completed to show, it is a great opportunity to ask questions and share methods or thoughts on them.
RSVP, if possible, but last-minute decisions are ok too.
Socializing and Sign-ups 6-6:30
Meeting, Program, Show and Tell 6:30-8:15
Rita Verroca will thrill and entertain us with her trunk show! Rita is an internationally acclaimed appliqué artist. She lives in Colonial Beach, Virginia and teaches around the globe. She has won several AQS awards, her quilts have been on magazine covers and she has written a book Baltimore Album of Roses. Check out her historic blocks on her website. These blocks are a true work of art-as are the many quilts she has produced. You won’t be disappointed!
There is no charge for this event.
Friday March 28th, 9 am – 5 pm (Central Time)
Saturday March 29th, 9 am – 4pm (Central Time)
NOTE LOCATION: Main Library, Magnolia Room on the 2nd Floor
Socializing and Sign-ups 6-6:30
Meeting, Program, Show and Tell 6:30-8:15
Anjali Austin, retired FSU Professor of dance, will join us to discuss The Quilts of Mrs. Gussie Beatrice Arnold Hill. Austin is the caretaker of this collection and recently developed an exhibition of these treasured quilts at the FSU Museum of Fine Arts.
Make sure your quilt has:
- A hanging sleeve
- A dowel with an eye-hook on each end
- (Optional) Fishing line for hanging the quilt (the Guild has fishing line if you don’t)
- A label on the back
Socializing and Sign-ups 6-6:30
Meeting, Program, Show and Tell 6:30-8:15
Get ready to enjoy Pam & Lyn’s Excellent Quilt Adventure. QU’s very own Pam Doffek and Lyn Geariety will treat us to fascinating tales of their recent quilting adventure.
This is a “Free Theme” exhibition of
approximately 30 quilts, large, medium, small. Quilts are your choice, one per person, with no restrictions on year made or previous showing.
The online application “Submittable” will go live on February 17, via an email blast to the guild, on a first-come first-served basis. You may offer your quilt for sale. Quilts must have a sleeve, dowel, and hanging wire. Quilt submission will take place at the May 8 meeting, and one other time TBA.
Our City Hall reception will take place on Thursday, June 19, 6:00 – 7:30 pm.
Install day will be June 3rd and de-install August 5th.
City Hall is open Monday – Friday, 8–5:30
Admission is free. The gallery space is on the second floor, open to the entry atrium.
Socializing and Sign-ups 6-6:30
Meeting, Program, Show and Tell 6:30-8:15
Quilts of Valor Presentation – Join Quilters Unlimited in honoring and celebrating our veterans as they are awarded a Quilt of Valor.