Volunteer of the Year Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form Nominations for Volunteer of the Year are due by October 1Name of Nominee* First Last Years in Guild*Nominee Home/Mobile Phone*Nominee Email* Nominee AddressGuild nominators should be explicit as to how the candidate has exemplified the goals and purposes of Quilters Unlimited by promoting knowledge of and interest in quilting and the art of quilting. Candidate must be an active member of Quilters Unlimited. Examples of initiative and/or assuming responsibility & leadership in guild activities [100 word limit]:*Willingness to help with routine tasks and unexpected needs [100 word limit]:*Examples of encouraging member participation in guild-related community activities [100 word limit]:*Additional Comments [50 word limit]:Nominator InformationName of Nominator* First Last Nominator Home/Mobile Phone*Nominator Email* Name of Co-Nominator* First Last Co-Nominator Home/Mobile Phone*Co-Nominator Email* EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.