Start with 24 10” squares from a layer cake set or other coordinating prints, plus a couple yards of a neutral background that complements the prints. I have chosen a Kaffe Fassett layer cake in the Emperor colorway and Kona Snow as the neutral background.
Each 2022 block will be made from two 10” squares plus a neutral background, and they will all finish at 12 1⁄2”. By using coordinating prints for the blocks, you will end up with 12 blocks that will coordinate for a crib-size quilt. I will be getting the patterns from various sources but will write each one up to finish at the proper size using just two 10” squares plus background fabric. Some patterns will be very simple, and others will be a more demanding but there will be no applique, no curved piecing, and no paper piecing.
Instead of having a drawing for the squares each month, each quilter will keep their squares and make a quilt with the finished set or use them for some other quilty purpose. Click on the links below for instructions on how to make each block.
Here are a few comments and suggestions to help you get started:
- Directional prints probably won’t work if you want to keep the direction consistent
- All seams are scant 1⁄4” unless otherwise noted
- Most squares will not use all of the 10” square fabric so save your scraps in case of a future mishap, or to make more squares
Ellen Fournier, Block of the Month Chair