Beginning December 2023 the website updates will be performed by Melissa Raulston of Plato Wynne Consulting. All changes or updates to the QU Web site should be sent to the QU Website Coordinator, Jennifer Darnell. Please include “Website Posting” in the subject line so that even if your email return address is not recognized, the message will be opened and reviewed promptly.
The following provides guidance regarding requirements related to various types of updates:
- Calendar Events: Provide the date of the event (including year), the start and end time, and the type of event (e.g., Class at Lafayette Park, Steering Committee Meeting). If you wish a small description of the event to show up if you click on the Event, provide appropriate text. Please include any documents or images you would like included in the post about the event. Include a physical address if possible so a Google Map can be included in the post.
- Bulletin Board items: These can duplicate or expand on the items in the event calendar. This is the place where many items that don’t fall neatly in another category get posted. Tell the SysAdmin if you think the item would fit better here, or in a more standard category (e.g., workshops, Museum Show, activities).
- Pictures: These should be in jpg, jpeg or png files though the webmaster can convert from other formats if needed. We can post images from other entities’ websites if we get permission from them (e.g., quilts by a workshop teacher). If the picture is on another website and you have received permission to repost it, send the link to the webmaster and she will grab it from the site for you. If you have a caption or a comment you’d like posted, please provide.
- Newsletters and long articles send in Word or PDF format. If the document needs to be converted to PDF, let the webmaster know and she will do this for you.
- New Categories or Topics: The website is a fluid item, and we can revise these as the Guild and activities evolve. Feel free to suggest.
- Contact information: It is not recommended that you have personal phone numbers or e-mail addresses posted to the website. Provide your name and advise people to find you in the Guild Directory. This is to protect you. An option is to have the interested person contact one of the Officers/Committee Members that is assigned an e-mail address, and have the Officer/Committee Member forward the communication to you. See the “Contact Us” page for those e-mail addresses.
Do NOT expect the SysAdmin to break a general write-up into multiple pieces of information to be posted. Do the breakdowns for her (tell her you want what info where).
Chairpersons: Please regularly review the portion of the website that falls under your authority. Examples:
Activities page
- Do we need updated information/pictures for the Opportunity Quilt?
- Same for Challenge Quilts.
Meetings page
- Hospitality Duties – are they current?
Guild Organization page
- Provide new names for the Officers and Chairperson when elected each year.
- Are the measurements for quilts accurate?