Ariadne’s Garden by Janet HughesBella Celtica by Linda O’SullivanBorders on Parade by Marsha WalperA hint of Klimt by Linda O’Sullivan9 patch by Octacia AdamsAfrican Stripes by Maureen O’DooganCelebrating 50 Years of Lemoyne by Quilters UnlimitedDream House by Janet HughesDreamscape in Blue and Gold by Judith V. BoettcherCounty Fair with a Southern Exposure by Penny BlaszczykFloating Star by Jessica DukeDupioni Zinnias by Linda DozierFlower Fibonai by Lou GutschDistant Drums by Lou GutschJack’s Run by Heidi MorrowFrank’s Heron by Maureen O’DooganGarden Guardians by Lucy PatrickGhost Fish by Lucy PatrickFull Frontage Foliage by Pamala DoffekHallelujah by Charlotte WilliamsHOPE by Kathleen TurnerCheckerboard Sashing by Nora Belle Sullivan AdamsHummingbirds in the Garden by Deon LewisImagination Encircles the World by Linda DozierInspirazione Italiana by Jeanne BrennerIn the Beginning by Lou GutschJeanne’s Garden by Jeanne BrennnerJust Becaue It’s Pretty by Maureen O’ DooganLiquorice Allsorts by Linda O’SullivanLinda’s Leaf with Borders by Cynthia PernyLive, Laugh, Love by Morgan MorrowLuring in Leaves by Deon LewisBella, Bella by Lou GutschNo Ruler Required by Marsha WalperMy Mystery Garden by Mary Catherine ScottWillie Belle BellPortrait of Jean at the Beach by Barbara HoaglandRoad to Florida: Sunshine and Citrus by Marsha WalperRara Avis (Rare Bird) by Marsha WalperSecond Term Blues by Joanne O’ReillyStone Wall and Fox Glove by Linda O’SullivanSpice by Deon LewisSt. Marks Federal Wildlife Refuge I by Barbara HoaglandWillie Belle BellSunshine and Shadow by Jessica DukeSurrender by Maureen O’DooganSyvan Mist by Linda O’SullivanLittle Bird in the Reeds by Deon LewisTempus Fugit (Time Flies) by Marsha WalperCrazy Patch Bell Pull by Willie Belle BellMobius Makes the World Go Round by Pamala DoffekPoppies by Mary Catherine ScottUte Mountain Memory by Loui TopeWild Woman by Lou GutschWinding Circles by Susan Voss