Things are getting real! With just two months until the August 31 opening of the show, the “get-around-to-its” have arrived. With everyone’s participation, it will be great! Please contact Sue Isaac if you have any questions.
Now – August 30: HELP ADVERTISE THE SHOW! SHARE posts about it to your own social media. (Make sure you’re following our FB page so you’ll see them!) INVITE your friends to see the show with you. ASK local businesses to display a flyer or poster (they will be available (at the Guild meeting on July 11).
Now – July 31: ENTER your show quilts AND your Challenge quilts! ENTRY DEADLINE IS JULY 31
They don’t have to be finished. The photo will be used to plan the placement of your quilts in the display, not for publication. Measurements should be pretty accurate, but if it turns out smaller after quilting, it will still fit!
Now – July 31: FINISH SILENT-AUCTION ITEMS and turn them in at the July Guild meeting or get them to Marty O’Neill.
August 8: QUILT DROP OFF at Temple Israel between 5:30 and 6:00. Remember your pillowcase.
August 8: CHALLENGE QUILT REVEAL AND VOTING. Remember your pillowcase so you can turn it in for the show at the end of the Guild meeting.
August 8: FINISH BOUTIQUE ITEMS and turn them in at the Guild meeting or contact Dawn Griffin to make other arrangements.
Now – August 24: FINISH BASKETS and get them to Karen Kunz
August 24: LAST CHANCE QUILT DROP OFF at Ann Gaber’s house 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Remember your pillowcase.