Every month has its challenges and victories, and December is definitely no less an end of year juggle. Family, home, holidays, unscripted turns of events, all scream for your attention, taking you away from your electric or handmade project. I trust that each of December’s early sunset days are filled with calm and creativity, and not just a stint in a three-ring circus!
I’m looking forward to our new slate of officers and coordinators. Thank you to those who have volunteered for the first time, as well as those who are continuing in the guild leader-calling. Carol Eskola managed the newsletter for five years! Thank you Carol for each month’s delightful email from the guild. Sue Isaac produced a quilt show that rivaled any Tallahassee opening night! Others have exchanged one chair position for another. You’ve done years of volunteer hours. Thank you ALL for your 2024 service, and welcome to new opportunities. I cannot wait for 2025’s quilt revelations. Our future themes of “Into the Woods” and “Floral Fantasy” are going to be wild.
Since our Kaleidoscope of Color Quilt Show was such a phenom, we have plans to provide teaching opportunities to our membership that won’t break the bank. Maybe you have an idea to teach a class? Once you’ve mastered the art of quilting in all its steps, it might be time to share your insight with new sewers. I’ve found that young students are highly interested in sewing machines and “making things” for comfort and care. Fabric, cloth, material, batting and thread, scissors and needles are magnets to those overbooked and overloaded by computer screens and online work. I remember a coworker said she was so tired of feeling like the computer was glued to her face. Give those folks some fabric and thread!
I’ve had such an enjoyable year getting to know you all, loved your terrific attention in meetings, and seeing your smiling faces all across town. Now it’s time to listen to December’s musical gifts, enjoy dark nights, colder weather, all wrapped in cloth and comfort in celebration of a fabulous 2024. Have an absolutely delicious December, and may the eye of the needle guide you to a very Happy New Year!
Janet Taylor, President