First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who submitted items for the Silent Auction. As I mentioned in the July meeting, all of the items are beautiful and well deserving of high price bids. Don’t be surprised to see my name and bid on several items as I can’t resist the urge to purchase such spectacular specimens of creative work. I am assembling and grouping the items for placement on the website for the online auction. My plan is to have the items placed in a respective category (full quilts, lap quilts, youth quilts, crib quilts, wall hangings, purses, and table items) with a picture or pictures and a narrative to describe the item. I am hopeful I will be able to have a period of time for you to review what I wrote up about your item in case you see a need for some “editorial” advice. I will let you know if I am able to have a “preview” time before the auction is open to the public. I am still working on those logistics for a “preview” option. Post “preview”, the plan is to have the QR code and website open to the public by August 20. This will allow people to bid on items before the actual show opens. Of course, I encourage people to come to the fair to actually see the quilts or items you want to bid on but if all else fails the online option is always available.
I am unable to attend the August meeting, so if you have a last-minute item, please contact me via email or phone (contact information can be found in the directory) to arrange a pick up. I really need you to provide the name of the person who pieced and/or quilted the item including the year completed so I can give credit to the individual(s) when I post the item for viewing. It is important to have the size listed also. We want to be able to get a sense for what the item is worth in materials and labor so if you could provide a minimum bid that would be helpful to me. Successful bidders will pick up their item at the end of the quilt show Monday or Tuesday at the latest. You will get an item back at the end of the show if the minimum for it is not met by a bidder. I highly doubt that will occur as each and every item is well worth several if not hundreds of bids.
Marty O’Neill