Thank you to those who created amazing boutique items and turned them in at the guild meetings. You have exceeded our expectations!
When I made a shout out to membership for “strippers” last month to be used to create a decorative banner – boy did the strips come flying!
Remember completed kits are due at the JULY / AUGUST QU Meetings. Please get with Dawn to make arrangements to get the completed items to her if you are NOT able to attend the meetings
We are in need of:
- Gift bags (all sizes)
- Plastic or wooden clothes pens
- White sheets (Queen/King sizes we can borrow)
- Decorative baskets (that we can borrow)
NOTE: Please bring either to the meeting or arrange with Dawn for pickup – remember to put your name on the item so they can be returned.
We will be selling any items not sold at the show at the September QU meeting.
Special shout out to the Bodacious Boutique Team Members who have worked very hard since January producing the kits and creating wonderful items: Ann Gaber, Deborah Kelly, Shellie Johnson, Andrea Fenn and Ellen Fournier, all members of Frayed Edges, particularly Linda O’Sullivan, Susan Wallace and Linda Patton.
What a team. Huge Hug! Dawn Griffin