It is time to think about nominating an active member of Quilters Unlimited for the Volunteer of the Year Award. This award gives us a chance to say “Thank You” to an active member for generously contributing time and expertise to Quilters Unlimited.
The Entry Form has contact information and three sections to describe the nominee:
1. Examples of initiative and/or assuming responsibility & leadership in guild activities
2. Willingness to help with routine tasks and unexpected needs
3. Examples of encouraging member participation in guild-related, community activities
The Award Criteria below can be viewed in the Policies and Procedures:
a) The Awards Committee shall solicit nominations from active Quilters Unlimited members through forms, published on the guild’s web site.
b) There shall be a nominator and a co-nominator and both shall complete and sign the Nomination Form.
c) The Awards Committee Chairperson shall not be a nominator or co-nominator. In the case of any tie votes, the Chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.
d) An Awards Committee member, nominated for an award, shall not participate in discussions or voting pertaining to that award.
e) The current President is not eligible for the Volunteer of the Year Award.
Volunteer of the Year Award Criteria.
a) The Volunteer of the Year Award will be given to a participating guild member, who: supports the goals and purposes of Quilters Unlimited by promoting knowledge of and interest in quilting and the art of quilting; shows initiative and/or assumes responsibility and leadership; is willing to help with routine tasks and unexpected needs; stimulates participation in guild activities and community-related activities; and gives unselfishly of their time and effort for the benefit of the guild.
b) The nominee may also: serve as officer or committee chairperson and demonstrates areas of expertise in guild (programs, writing, other).
c) The Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form is due to the Awards Committee Chairperson no later than October 1st of each year. The form is available on the QU website.
Online Nomination forms for the Volunteer of the Year Award
The nomination form can also be completed and submitted on your computer or on paper. The form must have both a nominator and a co-nominator from the guild, using either the Pdf or Word version.
Nomination Forms for the Volunteer of the Year Award are due by October 1. Contact Janet Hughes with questions about submitting nominations. Complete information about the nomination process can be found on the Activities and Projects – Awards page.