Sue Skornia’s presentation at the Q.U. Guild meeting in June 2019 is presented in a series of lessons. This one covers:
General Instructions for Making and Completing Quilts
Please scroll to the bottom for links to the rest of the lessons
Trimming the Squares
Need: Mat, Rotary cutter, 6″ square clear acrylic ruler
Trim Goal: Seams in corners
- Align diagonal of ruler
- Eye corners — All 4, twice
- Trim right and top edges
- Turn 180° and align again
- Eye all 4 corners again
- Trim right and top edges
Layering the Quilt
- Place a 1″ curved pin in the center of right sides of the top and backing and the center of each edge of the top, batting & backing.
- Clamp or tape the backing right side down, to a scratch proof surface, then the batt, then the top, right side up, aligning pins on the edges. (Do not stretch, keep tight)
- Place a curved 1″ safety pin in each square at least 1 ” from a seam to allow the walking foot to avoid it. Do not close the pins now. Have a “pin closer” handy.
- Unclamp & look at back for wrinkles in backing. If smooth, reclamp carefully and close the pins.
- Move the “sandwich” if needed to complete the pinning. Check back again after pinning next section, and at the completion of all pinning, including border.
- Roll up one side to the center and take to machine.
Quilting in the “Ditch”
- Thread needle and bobbin with thread to match fabric.
- Install walking foot.
- Lengthen stitch to near 3 each time you turn machine on after resting. Rest often.
- Place quilt under foot at top center seam, down an inch from the border.
- Backstitch to border and stitch beside seam to the bottom border, backstitch.
- Cut both threads.
- Pull quilt gently back to top, move right to next seam, and repeat, all the way to the right, but not on the border.
- Reverse quilt and repeat.
- Turn 90 and quilt toward both other sides, center out.
- Remove to table, re- move pins using “pin closer”
- If diagonals are possible, quilt them now from the center to corners.
- Quilt along inside border.
- Trim on mat, add binding.
- Remove needle, walking foot, plate and bobbin and vacuum top & bobbin area.
More Lessons from Sue Skornia’s Presentation
Lesson 1: Half-Square Triangles & Combinations of Half-Square Triangles with Squares
Lesson 2: Quarter-Square Triangles (hour glass) & Combinations of Quarter-Square Triangles with Squares
Lesson 3: Combination of Half-Square Triangles and Quarter-Square Triangles with Squares
Lesson 4: One-Quarter Triangle Square
Lesson 5: Floating Star